Artist Profile

Peter Nabarlambarl

Upper Mann River in the vicinity of Gamagawan

Artist Profile

Peter Nabarlambarl

Upper Mann River in the vicinity of Gamagawan

Tribe: Kunwinjku

Clan: Djordi

Country: Upper Mann River in the vicinity of Gamagawan

Age: Born 1930

Peter Nabarlambarl was born in his home country on the upper Mann River of the Arnhemland Plateau.

He learnt how to paint by watching Jerry Bangarr and Dick Murrumurru working. His paintings are similar in style to Murrumurru’s, in that no cross hatching is used, only parallel lines.

Peter Nabarlambarl’s work is keenly sought after in that it is in style of the old rock art of the Western Arnhemland area.

Peter Nabarlambarl’s work is keenly sought after in that it is in style of the old rock art of the Western Arnhemland area.